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Board of Trustees 2022-23

The Foundation is governed by a 12 member Board of Trustees. The Chair, Chair-Elect and Immediate Past Chair serve one-year terms. Geographic distribution is ensured by the election of three Trustees per Grand Division (east, middle, west) who serve three-year terms and whose terms are staggered.


Angelia M. Nystrom, Knoxville

East Tennessee Trustees

Sam D. Elliott, Chattanooga
Robin L. Miller, Chattanooga
Judge D. Kelly Thomas, Maryville


Judge John W. Whitworth, Camden

Middle Tennessee Trustees

Cynthia C. Chappell, Nashville
Jacqueline B. Dixon, Nashville
Charles K. Grant, Nashvillle

Immediate Past Chair

Judge Amy V. Hollars, Livingston

West Tennessee Trustees

Jeffrey P. Boyd, Jackson
C. Barry Ward, Munford
Molly A. Glover, Memphis

Past Chairs