The Foundation’s sixth, annual, outreach event was held this month in Chattanooga. Judge Barbara Holmes, Chair of the Board of Trustees, travelled from Nashville to welcome Fellows from southeast Tennessee. The executive directors of local, law-related organizations which receive funds from the IOLTA grant program also attended. See the slideshow of photographs below.
Chairs of the Tennessee Bar Foundation Board of Trustees: Scott Brown (1998-99), Judge Barbara Holmes (2015-16), Bill Carriger (2004-05)
Phil Lawrence, Mike Jenne
Doug Campbell, Lane Avery
Judge Barbara Holmes, Marsha McMurray, Angelia Nystrom
Sam Elliott, Justice Muecke Barker
Sheri Fox (Executive Director, Legal Aid of East Tennessee), Hugh Moore
Chattanooga IOLTA program grant recipient: Legal Aid of East Tennessee
Paul Campbell, Cindy Hall
Lee Akers, Jennifer Paden (Executive Director, Community Reconciliation, Inc./VORP)
Chattanooga IOLTA program grant recipient: Community Reconciliation, Inc./VORP
Sam Anderson, Carol Mutter, Mike Luhowiak
Judge Barbara Holmes welcomes the guests
Roger Dickson, Roger Jenne
Cathy Allshouse (Program Manager, Southeast Tennessee Legal Services), Marcy Eason
Chattanooga IOLTA program grant recipient: Southeast Tennessee Legal Services
W.L. "Chink" Brown, Jerry Summers